Intuit QuickBooks
To recruit the next generation of accountants QuickBooks set out to prove itself as the perfect sidekick for financial heroes.
For people looking to enter or reposition themselves in the workforce, a job as an accountant may not seem like the type of job where one could save the world. But when you think about it – accountants are often the unsung saviors of small businesses everywhere. Making it one of the most impactful careers for local communities known to man. One made even better with the help of QuickBooks.
Art Direction.
Real Heroes.
To extend the campaign beyond film we featured real world accountants in social, radio and more.
What I ︎ about this.
Accounting software wasn’t high on my list of dream brands. However, building a brand over time with clients I call friends, learning to admire a target audience I never knew existed, and collaborating with production partners to push beyond what most thought possible has been a truly rewarding experience.
Accounting software wasn’t high on my list of dream brands. However, building a brand over time with clients I call friends, learning to admire a target audience I never knew existed, and collaborating with production partners to push beyond what most thought possible has been a truly rewarding experience.